51. Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Verse 9
يُؤْفَكُ عَنْهُ مَنْ اُفِكَۜ
Yu/faku AAanhu man ofik
Averted from it is he who is averted.
- Progressive Muslims
To mislead those who are misled.
- Shabbir Ahmed
Wanders in the wilderness of thought he who wills to wander.
- Sam Gerrans
Deluded away from it is he who is deluded.
- The Monotheist Group
To mislead those who are misled.
- Edip-Layth
Misled by it is the deviant.
- Aisha Bewley
Averted from it is he who is averted.
- Rashad Khalifa
Deviating therefrom are the deviators.
- Mohamed Ahmed - Samira
From which only he turns who is turned away.
- Sahih International
Deluded away from the Qur'an is he who is deluded.
- Muhammad Asad
perverted in his views thereon is he who would deceive himself!
- Marmaduke Pickthall
He is made to turn away from it who is (himself) averse.
- Abdel Khalek Himmat
whereas the path of Allah is the path of safety and righteousness and His Quran features Him as the guide; it is resolute, and no one rejects it but him who befools his mind and judgment of it, so as to cause what is false to be accepted as true.
- Bijan Moeinian
God, therefore, will turn away from those who have chosen to deny their Creator.
- Al-Hilali & Khan
Turned aside therefrom (i.e. from Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Qur’ân) is he who is turned aside (by the Decree and Preordainment القضاء والقدر of Allâh).
- Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Through which are deluded (away from the Truth) such as would be deluded.
- Mustafa Khattab
Only those ˹destined to be˺ deluded are turned away from it.[1]
- Taqi Usmani
Turned away from this (Qur’ān) is the one who is turned away (totally from the truth.)
- Abdul Haleem
those who turn away from it are [truly] deceived.
- Arthur John Arberry
and perverted therefrom are some.
- E. Henry Palmer
He is turned from it who is turned.
- Hamid S. Aziz
He is turned away by them from truth, who would be (or wishes to be) turned away.
- Mahmoud Ghali
Diverged therefrom whoever is diverged (from truth).
- George Sale
He will be turned aside from the faith, who shall be turned aside by the divine decree.
- Syed Vickar Ahamed
Through (such opinions) which (people are) misled (away from the Truth) such as those who would be misled.
- Amatul Rahman Omar
Through which are deluded away (from the truth) such as would be deluded (to falsehood).
- Ali Quli Qarai
He is turned away from it who has been turned away [from the truth].